CBD: Cannabis Without The High

International Man
4 min readJan 26, 2022
Photo by CBD Infos on Unsplash

Cannabis (CBD) is mostly associated with a ‘high’ state that leaves users feeling something similar to or stronger than intoxication from alcohol. But today, more people are embracing cannabis without getting that ‘high’ feeling.

Man’s use of cannabis dates back to around 2,500 years ago. Early records show that people from that age used cannabis in their religious rituals. But over the years, the use of cannabis has grown beyond religious rituals to reach many people all over the world. Cannabis is one of the most psychoactive substances used in countries and regions where it is legal or illegal to use it. Yet, a growing set of people are turning to cannabis and its derivatives for help. Cannabidiol (CBD), is fast becoming the choice of many.

What is Cannabidiol?

Cannabis is a psychoactive drug with several important compounds that are active in it. Two of these compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol, are the most important. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main compound that produces the ‘high’ feeling while cannabidiol, although a psychoactive substance, does not produce the ‘high’ feeling.

Photo by CBD Infos on Unsplash

CBD is receiving more interest from people who suffer from anxiety, mood swings, restlessness, poor sleep, and other discomforts. CBD presents a safer way for people to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without risking addiction to the ‘high’ of THC. To get the active CBD, cannabis is put through a special extraction process and the extract is then sold as gummies, candies, extracts, supplements, and other cannabis derivatives.

CBD can be extracted from the cannabis plant or hemp and this extraction can be done with a simple home set up or in an advanced laboratory. However, legal cannabis must contain less than 0.3% Tetrahydrocannabinol, therefore, special care is taken when extracting at home.

How is CBD Different From THC?

Although both CBD and TCH are psychoactive, they differ in the reactions that they elicit from the brain because they have different degrees of interaction with the brain. Now, the brain has receptors called the Cannabinoid 1 (CBD1) receptors. It is to these receptors that THC binds and produces the ‘high’ feeling.

However, CBD does not normally bind to the CBD1 receptors and in the rare cases when it does, the bond is very weak. In this way, CBD does not produce the ‘high’ or euphoria associated with THC, rather, it stimulates the receptors so that the body can produce its own cannabinoids which elicit similar responses but in a safe way. This was found to be true by some researchers and reported here. And since CBD requires the active presence of THC to bind with the CBD1 receptors, users can benefit from CBD products that contain negligible or no amount of THC.

Since 2018 when the FDA approved Epidiolex, a pure CBD oil drug for treating certain forms of epilepsy, many states in the US have taken to approving cannabis. CBD oil, in form of supplements, help people to ease certain medical challenges.

CBD Oil As Health Supplements

A growing number of people are turning to CBD oil supplements to help them cope with or overcome some health challenges. For example, patients trying to overcome an alcohol or nicotine addiction may find some relief in using medical CBD candies. By chewing these candies, they can gradually outgrow the urge for nicotine and heavy doses of alcohol. And since CBD oil is non-addictive, it could be a good substitute to help addicts overcome the problem.

Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash

In 2018, a study found that many CBD users used it to cope with or treat conditions such as chronic body pains, anxiety, sleeplessness, joint pains, PTSD, cancer, asthma, and even epilepsy. In January 2022, a study also found that high CBD usage in the study subjects correlated with lower COVID-19 positivity.

As global interest in this multi-billion dollar industry grows, more people are discovering the non-addictive use of CBD and indeed, we can expect to see a massive rise in the number of people benefitting from CBD supplements.

How to Choose a CBD Supplement

If you are looking to enjoy CBD supplements for health or recreational reasons, you might want to observe these:

  • Find a trusted brand: Today, there are dozens of popular brands creating CBD products to meet the increasing market. How do you know what brand to patronize? First, check popular stores such as Amazon for brands with high ratings but don’t stop there. Check up each brand, visit their websites, and look out for certifications from third-party testers. Third-party testers are independent labs that verify the chemical composition of products.
  • Contact a brand and ask for advice: If you are unsure about the best CBD product for you, you can contact a CBD brand and talk with a licensed consultant that can recommend a product for you. It is important to ask someone that is knowledgeable about CBD and can recommend a product based on your condition.
  • Take it slowly: Most people often expect to see immediate results with CBD but like every health supplement, CBD may work differently according to the physiological condition of each person. So if you are not getting immediate results, keep at it and don’t fret.

You can significantly improve your health with CBD and still avoid the temptation to get addicted to cannabis. CBD offers a way for you to enjoy the amazing medical benefits packed in cannabis without the high!



International Man

I write for blockchain, cryptocurrency, and cannabis companies.